So we're all home recovering from the last couple of weeks of late nights and grueling drives. Our final show in Minneapolis was amazing! The Varsity Theater is a truly outrageous place with amazing decor and incredible sound. While we were there, the incomparable photographer Darin Back (www.darinbackphoto.com) took shots of Caitlin and I for a part of a series he is working on. Very theatrical. I'm still waiting to see the ones of me riding a pony. We'll see if I love them as much as Caitlin thinks she will.
I also had the chance of catching up with my good friend Aaron Dysart (pronounced "Die, Sartre!!). He is an amazing sculpture artist based in the Minneapolis area. You can see his work at www.aarondysart.com. Be prepared to have your mind blown. Not just by his unique and delicately thoughtful creations, but by his wickedly enthusiastic facial hair.
I feel bad that I was able to fly home via a beautful wedding in Baltimore while the rest of the Ponds had to drive all the way back to Raleigh. But I had to meet my baby in Baltimore. And that's really all there is to it.
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